Allotment 76 - Rachael and Gavin's Growing Diary

The highs and lows of allotment vegetable growing in the UK.

Progress report

Bed 5: My broad beans are stunted and covered in black fly. Fit only for compost I think.

Bed 3 and 4: Have given in and used slug pellets. Tired of seeing my squashes start only to be gone the next day. Read the instructions after use, and found I have overdone it somewhat. Dug them in. Still might be too much. Oh well. Manured bed 3 with organic chicken manure pellets.

Planted some basil and parsley in the greenhouse.

Dwarf French Beans in bed 6 germinating already.

My comfrey soup contains some WEIRD wildlife. Little elongated ovals with sharp pointy tails. Body about 1" and maggoty and the tail about 2" and thin and sharp. There are Thousands of them, writhing over each other. Somewhat horrible. Wonder what they are! It's a pretty hostile environment in there.


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